Michael McDermott, Business Manager
Pressing Congress to Pass Build Back Better Agenda
Historic and transformational change for America’s infrastructure and jobs is the order of the day on Capitol Hill as
negotiators seek to construct legislation containing President Biden’s bold plan for America.
At issue are plans to build the charging infrastructure necessary for widescale
adoption of electric vehicles, buses, trains and trucks and create hundreds of
thousands of jobs in roads, transit, the electrical grid, passenger and freight rail,
broadband and water infrastructure.
After President Biden helped negotiate it, the Bipartisan Infrastructure
Investment and Jobs Act passed the Senate and is now under consideration by
the House of Representatives. Negotiators are also working on the Budget
Reconciliation package, the administration’s and congressional Democrats’
proposal for “human infrastructure.”
Both of these bills have the potential to impact a large swath of IBEW
membership and their families.
President Stephenson and Government Affairs Department staff are
actively lobbying on these negotiations, which are fluctuating daily. Please
look for updates in next month’s issue of this newsletter, on ibew.org and in
the Electrical Worker.